



2024-07-20 07:34:44 来源:网络


一些词组的造句 -
5.set one's mind on下决心做某事tom had set his mind on a trip to china.汤姆下决心到中国旅行6.set the pace树立榜样japanese firms have been setting the pace in electronic enginerring 7.set a record创造纪录the kenyan runner set a new olympic record in the 3000meters.8.set s等会说。
用“sail”造句1、We sail at 2 p.m. tomorrow.我们明天下午两点起航。2、We set sail (for France) at high tide.我们在涨潮时起航(前往法国)。3、Most visitors come to sail or windsurf.游客大多是来进行帆船或帆板运动的。


哪位高手能帮一下忙:初中英语词组及词组造句 -
set an example to sb=(set sb an example) 为某人树立了……模样set sb free 释放,放走set sail 扬帆起航set down写下,记下,放下set about 着手,开始(做)try短语try on 试穿(衣服、鞋等);试戴(帽子等) try out 试验;尝试try one’s best to do尽力去做……try to do 是指“尽力做某事”try后面会介绍。
1、A: Today uncle Lei Feng can't join us flag, but the spirit of Lei Feng forever with us.甲:今天雷锋叔叔不能和我们一起升国旗,可是雷锋精神永远与我们同行。2、If you really want to emulate the spirit of Lei Feng, some of you should come down here and rescue me!嘿,那边到此结束了?。
英语词组造句!! -
1.If we continnue to consume petrol causally,we'll soon run out of energy.如果我们继续毫无顾忌的耗费石油,我们很快将用光能源2.It is strang that son doesn't take after his father.儿子长得不像父亲是很奇怪的3.It takes me time and energy to fix up my broken car.修好我的后面会介绍。
Marie, irene, and eve packed all their clothes into one single trunk and set sail in the olympic's most luxurious cabin . 玛丽,绮瑞娜和艾芙把衣服塞进一只皮箱里,登上“奥林匹克号”轮,住进最豪华的客舱。He had seen enough of other young men who had dreamed his dream, 说完了。
九年级上英语单词造句和翻译 -
sail<>航行Pacific<>太平洋finding<>发现thousands of<>数以千计as soon as possible<>尽快地continue<>继续programming<>规划translator<>翻译者report<>报导willing<>乐意的be willing to<>乐意做某事quite a few<>相当多的dream<>梦想dream of<>梦想着sportspeople<>爱运动的人conclusion有帮助请点赞。
The navigator charted this area out and it is quite safe to sail in it.领航员在海图上标出了这个区域,在这一区域航行是相当安全的。Good safety awareness is the prerequisite of guaranteeing safe behavior.良好的安全意识是保证安全行为的前提。The drug industry says its products are safe and effective是什么。
in silence造句 -
1、用in silence可以造以下句子:(1)、We looked at each other in silence, each equally shocked.我们无言地相互对视,每个人都同样地震惊。(2)、We all filed back to our seats in silence.我们都默默无语,一个跟一个地回到座位上。(3)、Male pride forced him to suffer in silence还有呢?.
Experienced seamen will advise you about whether you should sail the boat in this weather.有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气条件下是否可以航行。advise against(v.+prep.)告诫; 强烈反对warn sb not to do sth; turn against strongly advise against sth In case of diabetes, physicians advise好了吧!